Adventures of Hilda The Sneaky Bitch Part 2

The very second, I hit ‘send’ on the first post of ‘Hilda The Sneaky Bitch’ she piped up with: “yeah well, so you’ve written ONE post but there isn’t much more to say about it therefore you’re done blogging now. Certainly, you don’t want to keep repeating yourself.”

Have you noticed that engaging with that inner voice is pointless? She/he/it always wins. Therefore, I’ve trained myself not to argue with Hilda. – Instead I say something like “thank you (or f*** you) for sharing but I’ll do it anyway”. Just becoming aware of our inner judge is often the hardest part. When you become aware that you feel stuck or afraid is typically a good time to investigate.

When I stopped and asked myself why I couldn’t make progress on something so simple as a little blog I was able to realize Hilda was at play. But she’s just a voice in my head and in reality, there is no danger in writing a blog. I’m blogging because I’m passionate about identifying what holds us back and if sharing this should help others do the same - great; if my journey simply amuses others – great; if no one cares – no big deal, it’s still fun to write about Hilda. The only one who’s not happy: Hilda.

So, stay tuned for more stories about ‘Hilda, The Sneaky Bitch’ and if you want to scare your own inner judge, share with us some of the things your ‘Hilda’ is telling you…. (like why you shouldn’t share… �� )


Adventures of Hilda The Sneaky Bitch Part 3


Adventures of Hilda The Sneaky Bitch